thanks givin...
came home from work just now. i'm not all that bothered that i don't see my family for the holidays, there are only two family members i actually care about (my mom and her boyfriend) and so those are the only people i'll miss seeing, despite our troubled past together. i called my mom yesterday, i've been so calloused to suffering and missing holidays due to work slavery/poverty, so i wonder if its probably harder for her to not see her daughter than it is for me to not see her.
i spent yesterday with my boyfriend going to see a movie at this cool art-noveau style theatre, this indie movie (?) called the holdovers. recent release but set in the 1970s and was projected on 35mm. it was really good, very fitting movie seeing myself as a person who spends most of her holidays alone or with a severely dysfunctional family. i wont spoil too much just go watch it if you have the chance, it's a holiday movie but its not dumb or cheesy, its emphathetic. i loved the teenage protagonist, it reminded me a LOT of my own boarding school experience except, i was much more of a quiet goody-two-shoes.
oh and, i forgot to mention, last weekend i went to a dante's inferno play. i liked it, the acting was pretty entertaining and it was informative. my bf and i went to get sushi/drinks afterwards, i forgot what really nice fancy food tastes like! it was delicious. we considered that our "thanksgiving dinner" LOL. i'm not really one who likes a ton of involved cooking, i do like short 30-1hr dinners, not all-day cooking marathons. so it fits.
i've started calling my boyfriend my fiance in public. pretty certain i want to get married. maybe after i finish my degree and get my first job working in tech.
what else... i've been writing a story. new comic coming soon! here's one the character designs. man i've been trying with pip/maya but.... i dont have the confidence yet. i'm gonna continue to make smaller, short stories until i can do something like pip/maya right. i just feel very intimidated narratively. so i need more 'sandbox' ideas im not afraid to mess up and have critiqued harshly.