still fastidiously studying marx. full shrew mode now. i've gone back to literal baby basics, the marxism in a nutshell book by robin goodfellow. i definetely didn't understand much when i first read it because after to trying to read camatte, this is a breeze.
i realized a mistake i was making was trying to cross-reference to come to a "unified" conclusion of a definition waaaaay too early. discourse will always accompany specifics of something, it's better to just work from a general definition by a reccomended resource of someone experienced you trust, and see definitions in the context of their authors first before even trying to do your own synthesis of knowledge on a term. i guess that was the best way i could describe the core of my frustration.
like for example, the other day i was trying to understand the difference between concrete/abstract labor, and i was reading rubin and getting way too deep into the weeds. you can't frustrate yourself trying brute force a "truth" when you're not even sure of a generally agreed upon definition.
it's funny because something similar happens with beginners in observational study-- they focus too much on capturing "details" before they've even properly captured proportion, angle, etc.
you have to work from the general, to the specific. in the specific is where differences in belief, opinion, level of understanding etc. emerge. but i think everyone would agree that if you want to draw an apple from life, you should probably start with drawing a circle, and not by defining the shape of the stem. (actually, i know an artist who still learned to draw this way, it's just a much more difficult way to learn how to represent proportions than i think practical or necessary, and he would agree.)
so i'm trying to teach reading in the same way, haha. if you don't know how to draw a box, you've got no business in challenging the rules of perspective. (klee made fun of perspective and broke it intentionally, but he was a competent draftsman before he did that.)
kinda neat that this idea of learning can be carried over between things. at least, i feel like it's what works for me in a *general* sense.