d and i had a pretty intense conversation yesterday. just direct, but sensitive, confrontations with aspects of our relationship. i realized recently that there is really *nothing* you should keep hidden from your partner. you're just sort of doing yourself a disservice from fostering intimacy. you can't control your thoughts... nor your feelings. however you can choose which ones to act upon, which ones you believe are significant, and which ones you identify with.
things got heavy for a moment. but then we met up at the art mueseum, and just had a really good time. i fell in love again. it's really important to regularly see your partner happy. i think it's hard to sustain those feelings of romance and attraction, when you're always seeing them stressed, bored, tired, or just going through the motions.
ultimately we just needed to spend more quality time together. which we are doing this weekend! i'm excited for our first portrait drawing class together.
last night, i went to a company party. i got an ipad at a raffle lol. crazy what working at hitler corp gets you. so that'll be good for digital painting! which i've really wanted to get back into. i played blackjack for the first time. admittedly, i had fun-- i'll put my pseudo-intellectual snootiness aside for a moment. although theyre all aristocrats, they're still people, and it's nice to be in the presence of people. even if they're kinda lizard-people, that facade comes down with the alcohol.
i would come to the next one. i'm careful about intertwining my personal life with my work life. i don't believe you should see a company as a family, but i think it's ok to make friends with co-workers, and normal. but i can't help but think about how all of my relations are directly dictacted under the thumb of capital, in a way the ones in my personal life, when i'm not selling my time, are comparatively much less so.